Julian Tomlin Design

Hack Your Course - Responsive Web Design


My Role: UI design

Hack Your Course is a tutoring service based out of North Vancouver. It's a new start up and so it lacks a brand image. It wishes to be known for it's fair treatment of Students and Tutors alike.

Project Goals:

- Convey an atmosphere of compassion and authenticity in order to grow client base.

- Allow users to browse available tutoring services and initiate communication with our client.


My Responsibilities


Form design

Brand image

Logo redesign

High fidelity screens

Layer management

Responsive web design


Tools Used






Google drive


One Cool Thing


The main business goal of the site was to collect leads for our client in the form of e-mails and phone numbers. The primary way we would achieve this would be through a contact form. In order to maximize conversion rate we created a funnel that would lead users to conversion in a few steps as possible.


Additionally, the form we created was designed to not overwhelm the user by showing as few fields as possible at any given time. We also ensured that the form could be completed in as few steps as possible, with some fields being filled in 'invisibly' based on the users previous navigation.