Julian Tomlin Design

Nodal - Mobile Application Design


My Role: UX design and research

Nodal is a start up mobile app that is designed to aid first year university students in finding teammates for competitions, such as hackathons.

Project Goals:

  1. Enable people to be paired up with strangers they will work well with.
  2. Increase the participation rate of local competitions by making joining easier.

My Responsibilities



User Flows

Usability Testing



Info-graphic design


Tools Used


Google Forms

Google Slides



Google Drive


One Cool Thing


One of the biggest challenges for this project concerned how were we going to handle matchmaking of users. Our research suggested that teams work best when their goals for a project are similar. So we identified the three primary reasons that people joined competitions and matched them based on that.


The three goal paradigm was inspired by the research and philosophies of the game company Wizards of the Coast. In a famous article published in 2002 they identified three types of players who play their card game Magic the Gathering; Timmy, Johnny, and Spike. We took that idea and designed a matchmaking system for our app that matched users based on three motivating factors; how much they want to win, learn, and have fun.